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Develop Ideas, Create Strong Teams

By collaborating with colleagues, empowering them to contribute ideas during brainstorming sessions, strong bonds are formed. The Darwin Matrix allows for rapid development of business ideas, teamwork and goals.

Improve Efficiency

Solve problems in your business. Create strategies for cost savings or growth. Create a new process. Innovate like your business has never done before.

Present Online

Should you wish, your Darwin Matrixes can be presented through a custom URL, allowing you to share thoughts, ideas and solutions to anyone, everywhere.

The "Darwin" Matrix?

The "Darwin" Matrix?

The innovation tools and processes that we use have helped businesses that were on the brink of collapse turn into multi million pound enterprises. We like to call this kind of transformation “business evolution”, because the business world can be much like a survival game:

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change”

– Charles Darwin

Our Team

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Albert Jacobs
Albert Jacobs
Founder & CEO
Tonya Garcia
Tonya Garcia
Account Manager
Linda Guthrie
Linda Guthrie
Business Development


The Darwin Matrix in action...

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